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Emission Free Lawn Care & Landscaping in Byron, MN

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Stealth Mowed Offers Lawn Care Services in Byron

Stealth Mowed is your eco friendly lawn service provider in Byron, MN, and the surrounding area. Our local landscapers will provide you with outstanding lawn services, all while using our electric equipment to reduce noise pollution, produce zero emissions, and is pet friendly. We offer local property maintenance such as weekly lawn mowing, landscape maintenance, seasonal leaf cleanups, and residential & commercial snow removal services. 

Contact your local lawn care professionals at stealth Mowed today for a free, no-obligation estimate for all your lawn care or snow removal needs.

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Our Lawn Care & Landscaping Services

Lawn Mower

Spring & Fall Cleanups

Property Cleanups
Low Noise

Most of us can relate to the experience of awakening from our peaceful sleep on a Saturday morning as our neighbor starts up their lawnmower. One of the biggest benefits of electric mowing equipment is that it is up to four times quieter than comparable gas mowing equipment. In fact, most of the time, you will not even know we are there.

Zero Emissions

Lawn Care equipment such as mowers, blowers, and trimmers are not nearly as regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency as on-road vehicles. As a result, emissions from gas mowing equipment can be very high. In fact, a traditional commercial mower puts out 11 times more emissions than a new car per hour of operation.

Pet Friendly

As loud as gas mowing equipment is to us, it may also be traumatizing for sensitive pets. Our quieter mowers will greatly reduce the stress for your furry family members who are sensitive to loud noises. Also, your yard will remain free of gas and oil leaks.

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